Silked Pillow Talk: Veronica Powell, Movement and Wellness Specialist


Our Silked Pillow Talk this week is with movement and wellness expert, Veronica Powell. A veteran celebrity hair and make-up artist, she knows all of the beauty the tricks of the trade. Her newest passion is guiding others through yoga. She recently started @soulfulwarriorcollective in order to encompass her love of wellness, health and mental stability. She offers spiritual and physical guidance on and off the yoga mat. Check her out on Instagram and be inspired! 

Silked Pillow Talk #4!

What is your daily beauty and wellness routine?

I  have a very regular routine I take a variety of supplements throughout the day, my absolute must being turmeric! Every day I practice some form of yoga. Either a new class that I am working on, yoga shred (hiit training within yoga) or my favorite go-to yogaglo. My topical beauty routine is very natural. I have always liked simple clean ingredients in my products. I have a cleansing paste to wash my face, followed by a droplet of serum and a light moisturizer. I have several different eye creams and oils depending on my needs. But I always tap the eye cream around the eyes to stimulate the skin and wake everything up :) I use a jade roller and a jade contouring flat stone to massage my face and at night I use a vibrating brass roller, which I love. As I live in LA and the air is dry I apply a clean skin oil before bed. I am also a stronger believer of making quiet time for myself. Sitting in silence in a comfortable environment and letting the mind drift is so beneficial in this crazy, busy over-stimulated world.

What does beauty and wellness mean to you?

Wellness and beauty is being balanced for me. When we nourish our body with conscious breathing and mindful movement we set ourselves up for a long and
healthy life.

What inspires you?

I am inspired by people who stand up and speak up. Believing in the greater good for all humankind is a selfless and wonderful attribute. When I see people making a difference, believing, being positive so they may help others and the planet, I am inspired!

What's the best advice you've ever received?

To truly be in the moment. The present is the actual here and now our past has stories attached, the future is unknown and can seem scary. This is a “grounding” method and it helped me to remain calm and less overwhelmed. So this was important advice for me...

Why Silked?

Silked is another part of my ritual/routine. My background is a makeup/hair artist and as such, I have always been aware of the importance of taking care of your skin and hair condition. I used a silk pillowcase for many years before discovering Silked, but it had frills and was honestly not a great color or feel. One of the reasons I love Silked is that you can easily slip it on and take it with you when you go places, which is what I always do! The design is simple (no frills and edges) which means a better feel on the face as you sleep. I love the choice of patterns and colors. There is something for everyone! Silk allows your skin to breathe and not dehydrate, which I don’t think people really know or think about.  We spend so much time concerned with our beauty products and yet not the kind of fabric we lie on all night long! I am very happy with my Silked Pillow Sleeves and I have had mine from the very beginning and keep expanding on my collection! 

Remember you are beautiful!

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