Back in June, our team happened to stumble upon a Facebook post that prompted us to stop and listen to our intuition, we are sure you know exactly what we are talking about! Intuition is truly what has gotten Silked to where it is today! We have a lot of amazing things coming in this next half of the year and are excited to start sharing!
First Up is Unique Market LA 2019.
This is the Unique Markets 6th year in LA, among other amazing cities across the US. Their mission is to provide opportunities that help entrepreneurs, designers, and artists grow and increase success - helping to take their businesses to the next level. All while helping the public discover and support local small businesses, creativity and take part in the community. Learn more about them here
As a part of the 2-day event, vendors are invited to a 1hr "Unique Market University" workshop to learn more about how and why this event is so successful for its vendors. What the best practices are and how to prepare.
Our team is now pumped and ready to present alongside some really AMAZING vendors from all different categories eg. home, jewelry, accessories, and beauty.
If you are looking for something fun today on August 10th or 11th bring your family and friends down to the Barker Hanger in Santa Monica, CA. The team at Unique Markets has brought together 2 days filled with unique vendors and fun activities for the whole family to participate in. Don't forget to stop by to say HI!