5 Black Friday Things To Consider this 2023

As thrift cost conscious shoppers ourselves we wanted to talk about the biggest retail event of the year, Black Friday! It's now grown into an entire month of sales. Here’s how to make the most of it.

Silked's Black Friday Tips and Trick for the Smart Shopper in All of Us!

When is Black Friday 

This year, Black Friday officially falls on November 24, and it's followed by Cyber Monday on November 27. Most of us have seen sales starting already online and via email newsletters but majority of the official sales start late on Thanksgiving, though some of the best deals are on the Friday, usually at midnight. (A handful of stores provide exact start times.)

Is Black Friday Worth It?

For the good savings on things we have been watching usually. Most of the time, Black Friday deals are the best we see all year, and they set the precedent for what dictates a good price in the months that follow.

How Much Money Can I Save on Black Friday?

On average we see our families saving any where from 30-50% on the items we purchase. This is a good rule of thumb for cost savings if its under that percentage then its just not the best deal.

There are so many deals up for grabs in so many categories that it's a full time job keeping up. Our suggestion make a list of the things you want and if you're buying gifts the list should include the person and what you're want to get them. This helps narrow down the shopping list with targeted places to shop.

What’s a ‘Doorbuster’ Deal?

Originally, door-busters were in-store, exclusive and they were typically available in small quantities and designed to entice shoppers to choose one store over another.

What we have found these days as online shoppers and an e-commerce store is that door-busters still existing, so if a deal catches your eye and it's marketed as a door-buster, you better book market it in your browser, set and calendar alarm and be prepared to hit that refresh key at the exact time it starts to avoid missing out. We know it's a lot of work to get the deal but if it's a good one then its totally worth the time investment.

Currently Silked Has 2 DEAL ALERTS HAPPENING with NEW ones launching weekly until BF 2023:

30% OFF


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Also this year SILKED's door-buster is happening over 3 days Friday, Saturday and Monday for 2 hours a day from 9:11 am PST - 11:11 am PST each day. We will be offering on the

  • Friday By-One-Get-One 60% off on all Satin Four Leaf Clover and Golden Tan Pillow Sleeves
  • Saturday By-One-Get-One 70% off on all Silk Printed Sleeves
  • Monday 50% Off All Silk Scrunchies

What About Small Business Saturday & Cyber Monday?

Small Business Saturday is our favorite day of the year. Arriving right after Black Friday, it's all about not buying BIG BOX but CELEBRATING SMALLER LOCAL RETAILERS/BUSINESSES like SILKED, shopping small has real people doing the happy dance when the till rings.

Then the following Monday is Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday deals are usually focused on tech products, like laptops and headphones, but a lot of the major Black Friday deals will still be discounted on Monday. Really the Monday after Cyber Monday is Green Monday and our team at Silked looks to offer a few special deep discounted Eco-Friendly deals for the last day of shopping! 

Silked will have some very exciting news about SHOP SMALL SATURDAY 2023 so stay tuned to learn more and keep watching we will start dropping deals as we lead up to the BIGGEST SHOPPING weekend of the year.

Stay Supportive, Involved, Loving, Kind, Engaged, Dedicated to your favorite communities of local business and be the change you want to see in this world.


Sandra and Phoenix

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