Elevate Your Self Care in 2023

Let’s make this year a year to remember!

Are you ready to get started with a new self-care routine? Have you thought of making some changes to your physical health, emotional health, and overall wellness? Here are some simple ideas for starting or improving a self-care routine. 

Our team wanted to share 3 things below that you can use to elevate your 2023 well being

1. Create a Vision Board

The biggest thing here is to BE SPECIFIC with what you are manifesting! Our team has been creating vision boards for over a decade and they really work you just have to tell the universe exactly what you would like to see. Here is a great blog from Artful Parents on different ways to make your vision board

2. Deep Breathing 

Such a game changer in our lives! Deep breathing has the ability to automatically change our mood and well being in seconds. It is such a simple thing that we almost forget to tap into. One of our favorite Silked Sleepers Ali Levine has an amazing 21 day series with the "Soaak App" this is a must try! Use code Ali70 

Also if you would like to book a One-On-One Breath Work Session with Ali sign up here: https://calendly.com/alilevinedesign 

3. Making You Bed

Did you know there are two types of people—those that make their bed and those that leave it undone each day. But studies show the act of tidying up your bed lets you begin your morning with a small success that, the theory goes, will encourage many more throughout the day. Making the bed is about setting an intention to do the little things that bring about an orderly, thoughtful, responsible, balanced, or successful life. Check out "Life Hack" to learn more.

Also visit our instagram video to get a few more ideas on self care featuring a few of our Silked Sleepers doing things they love!

Benefits of a self care routine

There are so many benefits to a self-care routine. Study’s have shown starting a self-care routine is one of best thing You can do to take better care of yourself, with a plan of action that creates accountability. 

Having a solid self-care plan is the best way to make the small changes needed for overall health. A self-care routine can have a positive impact on your physical health and mental health. Having a daily routine can decrease your stress levels, increase your energy levels, and help you find ways to enjoy the present moment.

Here's to wishing you the most love and light in your 2023 journey. Stay Sassy, Inspired, Loving, Kind, Empowered and Delighted with this life!

Sandra and Phoenix

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